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Below we have listed some of the benefits of being a Tel-Explorer member.

1. We offer better service and more options for an excellent price!
2. Save your employees time: Lets face it, the Internet is the way to go and you already pay for it. No extra phone bill for that call to find out if someone stocks something you need or are trying to sell.
3. Listing your inventory will give you the competitive edge. If they have it out there, so should you.
4. Inventory management: Update it as often as you like. Accuracy in any business is crucial.
5. Our marketing department is constantly searching for new customers here and abroad. Offering you more sources to buy and sell.
6. Our Webmaster is on site. Let us know what you need. We can make changes fast.
7. Advertising: Do you advertise in magazines hoping that they are the right ones? Thousands of people are on the Internet everyday.
8. Pictures say a thousand words. You will have the ability to show your equipment with the touch of a button.
9. You can update your contact information at anytime. This way you are assured that people can contact you without delay.
10. Computer products, data networking & telecommunications equipment on one site. We are working both markets for you. Why pay for two?



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